Tenant Forum

All our tenants are welcome to join the Tenant Forum, which explores topics directly related to Two Rivers Housing services, and even broader issues affecting our tenants and their families. We aim to have a good debate and then think of things we can do to strengthen services or improve the situation.

The group has previously discussed the role of our Customer Service team and our online tenant portal ‘My account’, helped to prepare our new Corporate Plan, and debated the difficulties experienced by food poverty and looked at the opportunities for furniture recycling.

This meeting will be held in the evening at the community room at The Springs in Lydney, 10.30am – 12.30pm.

If you would like to join the discussion, please contact our Community Engagement team to find out the topic for discussion, confirm the time and let them know to expect you. You can call them on 0800 316 0897 or email mailto:communityengagementteam@2rh.org.uk .