Getting involved

Our Community Engagement team needs you!
Would you consider helping us influence and shape Two Rivers Housing services, projects and activities? We value your involvement and want to offer groups and meetings at times and places to suit your needs, family life and other demands on your time, so we will do what we can to suit the majority of tenants.
There are many ways to share your ideas and views, discuss topics with local community impact, and talk about how Two Rivers Housing delivers its services and how it might do in future.
The main involvement group is called Challenge and Change, which monitors performance and offers open discussion on several planned subjects over which it can have some influence. It also offers opportunities to carry out service reviews which are reported to our Group Board.
We will help tenants and residents to voice opinions of their landlord, neighbourhood and wider community. We always offer you a warm welcome, light refreshments are available at most meetings and we will reimburse your travel costs and costs towards childcare when attending meetings.
There are other, varied ways to be involved too and you will find information about these in our Customer Engagement Framework document.
If you have ideas about other ways we could link up with you, please let us know by emailing
Two Rivers Housing is much more than a housing provider – we aim to create great homes and support communities
We are proud to have supported many worthwhile local projects, including:
- Junior Wardens for children in year six, working with schools, Street Wardens and the Police.
- Staff donate toys, seasonal gifts and food items distributed by the local foodbanks and the Salvation Army to local families.
- Events such as armchair exercise, reading groups and indoor bowls are held throughout the year.
- We work with partners offering free education and IT courses.