Tenants’ Voice

Our Tenants' Voice Panel at their first meeting in May 2024

Our Tenants’ Voice Committee provides a direct link between our tenants and the Group Board.

Made up of tenants and members of the Board, including our Chair Yvonne Leishman, it plays a vital part in holding our organisation to account. #Twogether, the group will review, scrutinise, and challenge the services we provide and decisions we make from a customer perspective.

The Group forms part of our governance structure and will help provide assurance to the Board that the experience of our customers is influencing how we design and deliver our services.

Tenants’ Voice meets every two months and will be reviewing all areas of our organisation over the coming months. We’ll share the agenda, an overview of the discussions and how we are using the group’s feedback to improve our services here, so you can see how we are working #Twogether to make things better for everyone.

The first meeting of the newly formed Tenants’ Voice Committee was held on Wednesday 1 May 2024. You can view the agenda and minutes for the latest Tenants’ Voice meetings below:

Tenants’ Voice Agendas

If you want to view agendas from previous meetings, you’ll find these in our Library.

How to get involved

If you’d like to join our Tenants’ Voice Committee, please get in touch with our community engagement team by emailing communityengagement@2rh.org.uk or by calling 0800 316 0897.

Other ways to get involved

If Tenant’s Voice is not for you, there are still lots of way to get involved. Your thoughts and opinions, good and bad, are important and we are always happy to hear from our tenants. You can get involved in any of the following ways:

  • Join our Your Views Facebook Group
  • Share your feedback via our website
  • Register to take part in one of our focus groups
  • Register to be a Tenant Inspector
  • Complete a survey or quick poll
  • Join our communications group

If you’d like to know more, get in touch with our community engagement team using the information above – we can’t wait to hear from you!