We want your feedback!

Your feedback is important to us. So, every year we contact our tenants and ask them for feedback on our services. We use an independent research company called Acuity to do this. They call our tenants on our behalf and send us a report on what you’ve said.
We do this in three waves during the year. The surveys usually take place in July/August, October/November, and January/February.
All your feedback is anonymous, and it helps us understand what we are getting right and where we need to make improvements.
From 2023, we will be using the new Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM). These are a set of questions that were developed by the Regulator of Social Housing and tenants. They focus on the things that are important to tenants and can be easily compared to other providers.
Information about our approach to the survey and the questions asked can be found here: Tenant Satisfaction Measures information.
You can find out more about the information we need to provide on the Regulator’s website.
This means you will be able to see how we are performing and how this compares to other social landlords.
These will be published by us and the Regulator at the end of the financial year (so after April) and you will find them on our website from April 2024. We may also share some of the measures with you throughout the year in our Tenant Topics magazine, website, or on our social media pages.
But you don’t have to wait for a survey to share your feedback with us!
You can do this at any time, in person, over the phone, by email, on our social media pages or by completing the feedback form right here on our website!